September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month


Childhood Cancer is something near and dear to our hearts in this community, with at least 6 Little Fighters currently battling different forms, and stages of this awful disease. 


Want to help? 
Us too!


Thrive Studios and so many other amazing local businesses have teamed up with Go Gold Cambridge to bring you The 2021 Golden Games.

The Games will run from October, 3rd - October, 22nd.


The 2021 Golden Games are made up of three separate challenges:


Discover Cambridge:
A series of photos taken around town will be posted.  Competitors will need to identify where each photo was taken.  They will be spread out over the city of Cambridge, including all parts of Galt, Preston, Hespeler and Blair.  The photos will range in difficulty and point value. The more difficult, the more points available to earn.
Cambridge is Gold:
We are challenging our competitors to find letters around town to spell Go Gold Cambridge! You may NOT use the same sign or structure twice. Completion of the challenge with photos submitted by the deadline will earn your team 100 points.

*10 bonus points for each letter that is Gold or Yellow in colour.


Website Scavenger Hunt:
Links to the websites of local businesses will be posted on We will compile a list of questions that can only be answered by scouring the website of our participating businesses. The questions will NOT be easy!

Each correct answer will earn your team additional points. 


These prizes are awesome!

1st Prize - Sony PlayStation 5 Disc Addition ($750 value)
2nd Prize - Bucket of Booze ($350 value)
3rd Prize - Amazon Gift Card ($250 value)
Consolation prizes: products, gift baskets and gift cards of varying dollar value.


Rules, regulations and registration information can be found at


Don’t miss out.


Donate time. Donate money. Donate life.

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Thrive 2020

Thrive 2020.


It’s been 15 years since Thrive entered the scene and we have become a driving force of modern and professional tattooing and piercing.  Our team has never been so strong.  Our shop family has grown to the biggest on record and we couldn’t have made it here without being tight enough to be able to weather the storms, praise each other, even call each other out when we need it.  We recognize we are are all equally as important as the next and success isn’t a one man show.  It’s the people who support you and push you that make it happen, and when I look around I say “It’s happening.”  Here are the peole that make this house a home: Robert Witzcuk, Nicola Greetham, Angela McDonald, Danny Pennie, Kyle Martin, Sam Mansbridge, Kayla Frees, Brooke Mercer, and our heartbeat Katlyn Steel


2020.  We entered a new decade still wearing the same signs since 2005, the same floors, desk, furniture, and website for more than a decade.  It was time to level up and modernize to speak for the caliber of professionals that call Thrive home.  Our interior was upgraded, new exterior signage, our social media received an overhaul, and a new website created to really put the talent on display.


 And with this I would like to thank some of the people who became part of our new look:  Studio interior finished by Josh Dawson and Andrew Clark.  Exterior signs and windows designed by Sean Sanderson, cut and installed by Bismarck Coca Jr. & Sr. of B-Mark Designs.  And browse every inch of this glorious website designed by Sean Sanderson, supported by Rob Matlow and the team behind REM Web Solutions (too many hearts to name).  As a business owner I can’t be any more grateful for the people who work behind the scenes to make us look so good, so we can put something good on you.


Enter with us, the new era of Thrive Studios. 

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Piercer Kayla Elizabeth joins Thrive!

We're excited to introduce Kayla Elizabeth, formerly of Sinkin Ink in Hamilton, to the Thrive Studios family! Give us a call at the studio to schedule an appointment with Kayla and show her some love!  Have a look at her website and piercing portfolio by clicking the photo below.


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New Artist Joins Thrive from England

Joining us all the way from London England, Nicola Greetham has recently moved to Canada and is excited to start her new journey tattooing here at Thrive Studios! Her portfolio speaks loudly as a well-established tattoo artist specializing in many styles of tattooing. She is currently accepting new clients and would like to meet you for a tattoo consultation.


Please call our studio anytime to schedule a consult and to take advantage of her short waiting list!


Call us anytime: 519-653-4333


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Mandee Clark
September 15, 2021
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Thrive Admin
April 3, 2020
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